People-Oriented, Innovative Technology to Realize the Exquisite Dream World

Professional flexible printed circuit board manufacturer

MEKTEC Co., Ltd., a Taiwan-Japan joint venture and an investment business of Japan’s NOK Group, was established in 1986. MEKTEC is the first overseas company of its parent company, Japan’s MEKTRON Co., Ltd. With the excellent production technology and equipment in Taiwan, MEKTEC specializes in the production of flexible printed circuit boards (FPC).




旗勝科技向來尊重人權,不斷實踐企業公民理念,為了因應2010年7月美國總統歐巴馬簽署了第4173號法案(H.R. 4173)「華爾街改革與消費者保護法」(Dodd-Frank Act),我們特別聲明禁止使用「衝突礦產」(Conflict minerals)。




Single-Sided FPC

Double-Sided FPC

Multilayered FPC

Automotive Product

Wearable Device

Our Management System Policy

Located at the core of competition in technology globalization MEKTEC Corporation allies with the global Group to stand in an important position of FPC. Run the business scope with a honest attitude of people-oriented thinking Demonstrate the corporate culture of "speed", "service", "quality" and "satisfaction"